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SUDHA has been associated with the JICA Aided Uttarakhand Forest Resource Management Project (UFRMP) since June 2015, serving as an FNGO (Forest Non-Governmental Organization) for enhancing livelihoods in the forestry sector within Almora, Bageshwar, and Mussoorie Divisions in Uttarakhand. The organization is currently focusing on eco-restoration of forest areas while concurrently improving the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities.

The ongoing objectives include:

  • Undertaking afforestation and regeneration activities.
  • Implementing income generation initiatives.
  • Managing disasters effectively.
  • Contributing to environmental conservation.
  • Facilitating harmonized socio-economic development in Uttarakhand.

The program is currently aimed at empowering forest-fringe communities, with a special emphasis on women, by providing sustainable livelihood opportunities. It also involves actively engaging rural residents in managing their environment. Additionally, SUDHA is currently working on strengthening community institutions like Van Panchayats, which are responsible for implementing site-specific technical and scientific forestry interventions.

These ongoing interventions include:

  • Soil and moisture conservation measures.
  • Restocking of degraded areas through suitable silvicultural operations.
  • Utilizing the inherent potential of available rootstock.
  • Underplanting with appropriate species.
  • Establishing block plantations of indigenous species in degraded or blank patches.

SUDHA has already demonstrated significant achievements in eco-restoration of degraded forests, based on the interventions outlined in respective micro-plans. This includes the development of fodder resources in Van Panchayats, rejuvenation of water bodies (Chal-Khal), and the distribution of seedlings with fodder and fruit value to villagers for planting on private lands. The organization has also established model nurseries within Forest Divisions to supply plants to Van Panchayats. Additionally, SUDHA is currently promoting income-generating activities (IGAs) and conducting capacity-building training for Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in collaboration with other relevant government departments.




Income Generation Activity (IGA) under JICA UFRMP


Currently, the Income Generation Activity (IGA) component within the JICA UFRMP is focused on improving the livelihoods of local forest-dependent communities. This initiative aims to address basic human needs, promote Community Development Activities (CDAs), and facilitate ongoing Income Generation Activities.


Under the Community Development Activities (CDA) umbrella, efforts are currently directed toward community mobilization for creating small-scale community infrastructure that has the potential to enhance the incomes of local forest-dependent residents in a sustainable manner.

As part of the ongoing project, Village Panchayats (VPs) are currently being provided with a revolving fund to offer small loans for Income Generation Activities (IGAs). These IGAs are carried out through Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and are accompanied by the necessary facilitation to strengthen their capacities. The project is actively working on developing linkages for microcredit from banks and other financial institutions to support these initiatives. The primary focus is on fostering self-reliance within the SHGs by providing need-based support and adapting strategies as the project unfolds. At each village level, support is being extended to two SHGs. Furthermore, Farmers’ Producer Organizations (FPOs) have been formed and are actively participating in various trade fairs at both the state and national levels.

Promoting Walnut Cultivation


In Uttarakhand, walnut cultivation is currently being promoted as a means to increase farmers’ income. This initiative is being undertaken by the Uttarakhand Forest Resource Management Project (UFRMP) in collaboration with ICAR-CITH (Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture).


The primary walnut-producing districts in the state include Almora, Dehradun (in temperate areas), and Pauri Garhwal. The project’s goal is to expand walnut cultivation in Uttarakhand and enhance farmers’ income. To achieve this, particular attention is being given to expanding the area dedicated to walnut cultivation and replacing existing inferior walnut trees with high-quality grafted planting materials. These efforts are currently underway to benefit the farming community and bolster their economic prospects.